_ Around the globe school children die frequently due to unsafe acts and
conditions which lead to accidents.
A heart rending story of 94 primary
school children who were burnt alive in a school in South India that
could have been avoided if basic safety precautions were in place.
irrecoverable loss severely impacts the entire family and community
psychologically and even questions their very ‘purpose of living’.
This triggered us to focus on how to bring about Safe Conditions not
only in the Indian subcontinent schools but around the globe.
This thought gave shape to IOCSG which was founded in 2004 and incorporated thereafter as an International Not-for-Profit Charity Organization.
IOCSG subsequently expanded the scope of our initiatives to instill awareness of Hygiene and Green Earth as well in schools
Our Vision, Mission and Objectives are presented herein
Vision, Mission and Objectives
_ Vision
Achieve a Safe and Healthy Environment for School Children across the globe
We shall deliver the vision by:
Assessing Safety and help removing hazards in primary schools and
creating awareness in children, parents and associated stakeholders
Join hands with Local, Federal, National and International organizations in this journey
Build awareness towards Clean and Green Earth
Key Objectives
Conduct Safety Awareness Campaigns and Programs in Schools
Perform Safety Assessment in Schools, recommend corrective actions and implement it jointly
Evaluate school transport services for safety compliance and build driving safety awareness
Conduct Health and Environmental awareness programs and facilitate better living
Collaborate with Corporate and Government organizations in Safety Campaigns